Linux e Outras Coisas

Linux e Outras Coisas: de preferência coisas tecnológicas. Um relato de minhas vivências no mundo da tecnologia.
Linux and Others Things: by default technological things. A report of my living experience in the technological world.

segunda-feira, maio 14, 2007

Adivinha O Que É!...

Recebi diversas cópias desta mensagem. Não conheço a origem da foto.

I have received several copies of this message. I don't know the origin of the photo.

"This is a hard disk of 5 Mb in 1956...
In 1956, September, IBM launched the 305 RAMAC, the first computer with hard disk. The Hard disk weighted almost 1 ton, and it had capacity of 5 Mb.
And you getting bored with your 4 Gb pen drive..."

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